Ethical Policy

At Inspiring Transformation, our ethical policy reflects our commitment to working responsibly with our clients, business partners, and suppliers, and with our environment. In growing our business sustainably, we are open to new possibilities and connections.

Environmental impact

We believe in caring for and protecting the environment in which we operate and strive to minimise waste through the careful and efficient use of all materials and energy.

We adopt an environmentally sound transport strategy, opting for public transport as much as possible.

We advocate the use of travel alternatives and offer our clients virtual meeting options if appropriate.

We use electronic means as our first preference for correspondence, minimise the use of paper, and print double-sided where printing is necessary.

We reuse and recycle as much as possible.

We seek to reduce the amount of energy we use, with lights and electrical equipment switched off when not in use.

We purchase sustainable products where feasible (e.g., recycled, FSC or low environmental impact products from renewable sources).

We include environmental and ethical considerations in our investment decisions.

Health and well-being

As a business which offers health and well-being services, we believe it is essential to incorporate positive ways of working.

Honesty, integrity, and openness are central to what we do.

We are committed to lifelong learning as a means of growth and transformation.

We are interested in our clients’ stories and experiences.

We aim to think differently and provide creative solutions.

We believe in the importance of feeling grateful for what we have and showing compassion for those around us.

To help maintain our positive approach, we take time away from our desks and devices throughout the working day and undertake regular exercise.

In this ever-changing world, we review our Ethical Policy on a regular basis.


Inspiring Transformation Limited
Company number: 13508337
Registered office: Unit 37D Monument Park, Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, OX44 7RW

If you would like more information, please get in touch